The Definition of Lifestyle
Generally, lifestyle is the pattern of interaction between an individual and his or her environment. The elements of this pattern include preferences, views, interests, patterns of consumption, social relations and status. It also includes the pursuit of personal interest and activities. It may include beliefs and opinions about politics, religion, work and health. Initially, the word "lifestyle" was defined by Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler in his book The Science of Living in 1929. He defined it as the basic character that is established early in life. In his early years, Adler defined his lifestyle by describing his movements around different environments. He wrote, "A tree grows up shaped by its environment; it is not a uniform tree. Hence, there are two kinds of life styles: one of those that grows in a rural region and the other in an urban district." Later, the term lifestyle was used to describe patterns of behaviour, attitude, and values. It was first used by Max Weber in 1922, but it did not become popular in English until after Adler's work. Earlier studies of the concept of lifestyle were concerned with the analysis of the position of individuals in society. They were also concerned with the relationship between mental and behavioural variables. In the 1960s, the analysis of lifestyles was redefined as a way of looking at the public. This view of lifestyle has been influenced by the development of marketing practices, which were co-opted from sociology. The concept was applied to consumer behaviour and to the consumer taste, which had previously been separate. The concept was then used in the context of mass media, where its use was increasingly conspicuous. The definition of lifestyle has since underpinned major sociopolitical discussions. For example, it was used to analyze the effects of the 1998 Moscow summit between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev. It was partly based on focus-group data. A healthy lifestyle is characterized by a balanced life, harmony between the body and its environment, and a sense of happiness. People with healthy lifestyles participate in physical activity and take time to explore their thoughts and feelings. In addition, a healthy lifestyle reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. A healthy lifestyle is also characterized by a person's willingness to pursue spirituality and participate in organized religion. Similarly, a healthy lifestyle is characterized by a person's commitment to healthful food, personal hygiene, and sanitation. A healthy lifestyle is beneficial for both the individual and the community. The concept of lifestyle is used in a variety of disciplines, including marketing, sociology, medicine, health care, psychology, and history. There are many different kinds of lifestyle content, such as eco, minimalism, vegan, and Marxist. It is important to find out what works best for you. Then, you can make the right choices and achieve your goals in life. The use of lifestyle in marketing methodologies was largely dependent on the psychological knowledge of Alfred Adler and the quantitative insights of Max Weber. The concept of lifestyle was further developed by Milton Rokeach, who proposed a hierarchy of values.