How Celebrity Affects Consumer Behavior

Celebrities are people who have achieved fame and broad public recognition through the attention given to them by mass media. They are often regarded as role models and idols. They can be admired for their accomplishments or despised for their bad behavior. Throughout history, fame has been viewed as a status symbol that confers social power, prestige and moral authority. However, today celebrity is less associated with morality and more about a person’s ability to attract and maintain interest from a broad audience.

Unlike the euphemisms of ‘fame’ and’renown’, which carried connotations of reverence and respect, the word ‘celebrity’ has more of an ambiguous meaning. In modern times, the concept of celebrity carries with it the potential for mockery and apathy. It is a cultural phenomenon that, like older forms of fame production, confuses the authentic and artificial, polarizes attitudes toward a given individual and evokes an array of contradictory responses.

Whether it’s Cindy Crawford hawking Pepsi or Shaquille O’Neal slumming on Icy Hot, celebrities are very effective at selling products. Companies pay millions for celebrity endorsements because they know they work. Yet, it remains a mystery why consumers are so captivated by these images and what effect celebrity has on the purchasing decisions of consumers. Wharton scholars explore these questions in a new study on consumer behavior.

It’s not uncommon for ordinary folks to become fans of famous celebrities, ranging from singers and actors to sports stars and television personalities. In some cases, these people develop a deep attachment to a celebrity, and will go out of their way to see them in action. The popularity of these celebrities is driven by a mix of factors, including their physical attractiveness and their charisma.

Although most people are interested in celebrities, there is a minority who feels that they should not be treated differently than anyone else. These people believe that celebrities are only in the spotlight because they have a certain image, and that they do not work as hard as everyone else to deserve the same level of attention. Some people also feel that celebrities are overpaid and do not earn their fame.

If you are a fan of a celebrity and have the opportunity to attend an event where they will be appearing, remember that they are just regular people who enjoy spending time with friends and family. Be polite and courteous, just as you would with any other guest. If you are able, try to do something to show your appreciation for the celebrity’s participation in your event. For example, if the celeb is coming to an event where he/she will be signing autographs and/or taking photos with guests, consider asking him to write a personal message or note to your attendees. This is a wonderful keepsake and is sure to make your guests feel special. It will also leave a good impression on the celebrity. This will ensure that they will be more receptive when the event comes around again in the future.