Historically, celebrity refers to a phenomenon of public recognition and fascination. The word is derived from the Latin celebrem, which means “crowded.” Originally, the term was used to describe an individual who was considered to be notable. It later came to refer to a person who was honored by the public.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, celebrity culture emerged along with the development of mass media. A number of factors contributed to the creation of celebrity culture, including the emergence of new genres, the creation of new personality types, and the proliferation of new forms of entertainment. As a result of these developments, celebrities became marketable commodities in their own right. In addition, they became a social force, confirming their own relevance to a public that was already predisposed to their presence.
Celebrity culture also developed in response to the development of new technologies. These technologies made it easier to reproduce and disseminate images and information quickly and easily. In addition, they made it possible to create a public realm that challenged the traditional status embodied by traditional achievement.
In addition, new forms of entertainment, including popular music, expanded the range of people who could become celebrities. Throughout the twentieth century, celebrities became more powerful, and able to shape public perceptions of themselves, their personalities, and their places in society. In this way, celebrity culture challenged the status associated with traditional achievement.
While celebrity culture has been evolving throughout the twentieth century, it has also remained relatively stable. As a result, scholars have argued that celebrity culture is a product of mass media. This claim is supported by the fact that celebrity culture is mediated in a variety of ways, including advertising, celebrity endorsements, and the media’s ability to publicize events that are part of promotional efforts.
The twentieth-century celebrity culture emerged in conjunction with the rapid development of consumer culture. As a result, celebrities became a major source of revenue for media corporations. They were able to promote products or services and receive awards and honors. In addition, the media emphasized the celebrity’s public importance and elevated their visibility. In the 1990s, cable television channels expanded the range of celebrities featured on the network. The cable television channels also introduced new personality types and genres. In the 1990s, celebrity reality television parvenus included lovelorn bachelors, hopeful music Idols, and teen moms.
In addition to creating new types of celebrity, television also increased the amount of time that celebrities spend in front of the camera. By developing television shows that featured intimate interviews with celebrities, such as Barbara Walters’ show, 60 Minutes, the public’s sense of scale with celebrities was altered. Celebrity culture also provided a means of gaining access to the secret lives of public figures.
The most prominent example of celebrity culture is Hollywood. The film industry has created a variety of celebrities, including film stars, actors, and music artists. The celebrities’ status is based on talent, wealth, or an extravagant lifestyle. Often, they are the focus of media attention for misdeeds, scandals, or career reasons.